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Spafford & Lincoln is an award-winning consulting firm, helping campaigns, companies and causes achieve their path to victory, specializing on the ground game. From helping win local, congressional, and U.S. Senate campaigns to launching PR programs for non-profits and companies, we know that winning starts with building organizational discipline to execute persuasion programs effectively and consistently. Today, our programs have reached over 10 million voters, and we have organized and coordinated action for 100,000+ volunteers nationwide.

Telling Your Story, with Overwhelming Force.
In less than 72 hour, we coordinated dozens of stakeholder groups to help host U.S President Bill Clinton - organizing over 14,000 participants.
Helping Achieve Clarity
in Your Path to Victory
Success starts with understanding your path to victory and the costs of achieving your objectives. We start with data-driven diagnostics to understand your SWOT and the current landscape, then we help create a baseline for data-driven programs and strategies to help achieve your path to victory.
- Campaign Consulting & Campaign Management
- Organization Development & Optimization
- Data Analytics, Targeting, & Strategy
- Lead Generation, Cultivation, & Capitalization
- Direct Voter Persuasion & Conversion
- Communications, Ads, Media & Digital Marketing
- Public Relations & Supporter Base Building

Winning the Ground Game,
One Person
at a Time.
As of today, Spafford & Lincoln has recruited, trained, deployed and managed over 5,000+ campaign interns, and canvassing operatives nationwide.
Organizing the organizers, and reaching more people than your competition.
Strategic Voter Contact & Persuasion
- 2 Way Voter Persuasion Programs (Door-to-Door, Phone or Text)
- Higher Value Pledge Solicitations (Lawn Sign, Emails, RSVPs, Donor Pledge)
- Voter Turnout Multi-Engagement Strategies (GOTV Ballot Confirmation)
- Micro-Targeted Scripts/Messaging for Key Demographic Groups
- Deploying & Managing Paid & Commission Based Canvassing Programs
Field & Political Organizing Programs
- Relational Organizing Voter Turnout Programs (Vote Triplers)
- Precinct Captain & Virtual Voter Captains
- Campaign Committee & Working Group (Creation & Management)
- Volunteer Recruitment, OnBoarding, Activation, Servicing & Training
- Volunteer/Partner driven Days of Action, Kick-Offs &/or Lobby Days
Public Relations & Base Building
- Procuring & Publishing Letters to the Editor from Supporters
- Facilitating Base Stakeholder Meeting & Activation
- Facilitating Neighborhood Meetings & Campaign House Parties
- Procuring & Publishing Video Testimonials from Supporters
- Rapid Response for Social Media Platforms
Bringing Together Indivisible, Swing Left, & Sister District Project Leadership for Training to Win 2020

Training to Win Speakers Including:
- Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi
- Congresswomen Karen Bass
- Congressman Adam Schiff
- Pod Save America Dan Pfeiffer
- Indivisible: Leah Greenberg
- Sister District: Rita Bosworth
- Swing Left: Ethan Todras Whitehill
Facing the final 100 days of a campaign radically transformed by the pandemic, we helped organize Training to Win 2020, providing a series of workshops and seminars aiming to help activists both on the ground and the digital landscape achieve results. We helped over 3,000 activists learn about virtual voter engagement tactics, deep canvassing and relational organizing, and we helped cultivate the national organizing committee for victory.
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